Ankore Kingship Family Tree

According to the descendants of the bachwezi they believe that the first Muchwezi is Ruhanga (God the Creator), Obuchwezi comes from the word Okuchweza/enchwezani /obucurezi which means harmony / peace (Obusingye) and the genesis of peace is Ruhanga the creator. No one can be called a Muchwezi if he or she does not believe in love, peace and stability of the world.

Chwezi is a belief that binds a person(s) with his or her own creator and whoever prays and that prayers ascend from him or her to the creator in peace –that person is referred to as Omuchwezi.

From the forefather of the Bachwezi and the 3 major cooking stones “AMAHEGA” of Ankole that make Kairu, Kahima and Kakama, it is believed that when Ruhanga was leaving this world to heaven- he left it in the succession of Kakama to govern who inherited him-all were bachwezi and the three Amahega are the ones that make Nkore and they were created by Ruhanga. In brief this is the meaning of Abachwezi.

However it should be noted that the first royal drum to rule the chewezi dynasty was a Kyanzi (Milk pot)


After the break of the first royal drum (Ekyanzi) by the two brothers and that Ishaza and Nyamiyonga, the Kingdom was divided in two whereby Ishaza ruled the leaving Earth and Ruyonga who is called Nyamiyonga ruled the underworld kingdom.

Each of the two kings-everyone created his own Kingdom a one Royal drum ruling the living Earth called Ndibarema for Ishaza which later turned to be Nayaminyago and the other one called which ruled the underworld Kingdom that was created by Nyamiyonga . The two royal drums were later inherited by the their descendants so called Isimbwa who was the only MUTEMBUUZI who united the both the living and the dead Kingdoms to connect them into all-time conversation spiritually .It should also be noted that Isimbwa left a successor called Ndahura who also left a successor called Wamara Ruhanza Njojo who
was t last King of Abachwezi dynasty and the father of Ankole Kingdom.

Wamara is the father of Ruhinda Rwanjunaki who was the First King of Abagabe ba’nkore and Abahinda royal clan of Ankole. He established his kingdom called Nkore Kabachwezi which had her own royal drums namely Bagyendanwa for the King (Omugabe )and Kabembura for the queen (Omugabe Kazi).


It is believed that the Bachwezi used to govern big empires like the Great lakes region and all the Bagabe (Kings) of Ankole were Bachwezi and Wamara was the last person in the Chwezi Dynasty who believed in the Chwezi and allowed his sons to intermarry with other tribes and clans and he (Wamara) gave birth to the first Mugabe of Ankole called Ruhinda Rwanjunaki, his mother was called Njunaki.

Omugabe (King) Ruhinda Rwanjunaki ruled between 1420-1447 and gave birth to King (Omugabe) called Nkuba ya Rurama who ruled in between 1447-1475, who also gave birth to Omugabe (King) Nyaika who ruled from 1475 to 1503 and also gave birth to Omugabe Ntare the First Nyabugaro Bwe’ra who ruled between 1503-1531, who also gave birth to Omugabe Rushango who ruled from 1531-1559 that gave birth to Omugabe to Ntare the Second Kagwejereramishango who also ruled between 1559 to 1587 and gave birth to Ntare the 3rd Rugambanamaju Ntare who also ruled between 1587-1615 who also gave birth to Omugabe Kasasira who also ruled between 1615-1643 who gave birth to Omugabe Kiteera kya’nyabahutu who also ruled between 1643 to 1671 and gave to Omugabe Rumonje who also gave birth to omugabe Mirindi, this one ruled between 1671-1699 who gave birth to Omugabe Ntare Nyakito’to Kiitabanyoro the Forth who also ruled in 1699-1727 who gave birth to Omugabe Machwa that ruled between 1727-1755 and gave birth to Omugabe Rwabirere who ruled between 1755 to 1783 who died at a youthful age without giving birth and was succeeded by Omugabe Karara who was succeeded by Karaiga who was who also was succeeded by his brother Kahaya the First Nyamwanga Kankazi who was succeeded by Nyakashaija who ruled 1783 to 1811 and was succeeded by Bwarenga was succeeded by Omugabe Rwebishenje was also succeded by Omugabe Kayungu that ruled between 1811 and 1839 that was succeeded by Omugabe Gasyonga the First Gabukundu who was succeeded by Omugabe Mutambuka who ruled between 1839-1867 and was succeded by Omugabe Mukwenda who ruled between 1867 to 1870 that was succeeded by Omugabe Ntare Ya Kibooga Rujinjiza the Fifth whose mother was princess Kibooga a Musongora by tribe from the Busongora Kingdom the current Kasese district who ruled between 1870 to 1895 who was succeeded by Omugabe Kahisi and was later succeeded by his cousin nephew Omugabe Sulaiman Edward Kahaya the Second who ruled 1895-

However, it should be remembered that Ntare V Rujinjiza gave birth to prince Nkabitsigarra the First together with princess Kente who were biological children to Omugabe Ntare V.

Nkabitsigarra the First gave birth to prince Murenjeera who also gave birth to Prince Byabagambi who also gave birth to three princes and one princess namely: Prince Rwitaho’na, Prince Karaka Kahiira, Prince Nkabitsigarra the Second, and their sister princes Ayera Bo’nabaana.Among the three princes, prince Nkabitsigarra the Second succeeded his father prince Bayabagambi as a royal family heir who also later was succeeded by his son Idrisa Kaweesa Igumira Kito’bobo the Second who is currently ahead of the Royal family, Abahinda Royal clan a cultural leader, a chief priest who awaits to be recognized by the central government as a Mugabe of Ankore to date.

However, the claim which went on to be installed in 1945 which was between one Ndyamuba Katanywa and Godfrey Rutahaba which went through the casting of votes process that was against the Ankole tradition culture and norms.

A true king of Ankore; Should be from the true lineage of Royal Abahinda family tree – descendants of Abagabe ba’nkore and through a performance of cultural rituals with the accordance with tradition and norms of Ankore chwezi culture.

It should also be noted that the nephew to King Ntare V was not related with the so-called King of Ankole who was installed by the missionaries through vetting processes which took place in 1945 after a race of one Godfrey Rutahaba who won the race with a win total of 22 votes out of 33 voters and later Godfrey Rutahaba Mpitsiiribarya who later was changed the name and be fixed in the royal lineage and was given the name and titles from the Godfrey Rutahaba Mpitsiiribarya to Sir Charles Gasyonga the Second who ruled between 1945-1967 when all the kingdoms were abolished by Dr.Milton Obote who was the president of the Republic of Uganda at the time.
It should be remembered that in 1993, all the kingdoms in Uganda were restored by the central government of Uganda and the president of the Republic of Uganda His Excellency General Yoweri Kaguta Museveni under Statute No. 8, and also by the Amendment Act [No. 8] – Article 118 (1) – of 1993 enacted by the Parliament of Uganda and officially recognized and protected by the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda by Chapter IV. Article 37, Chapter XVI. Article 246 (1) – (6) – of 1995 and by the Amendment [No. 2] Act – schedule V. Article 178 of 2005 and by the Acts Supplement [No. 4] – Act 6 of 2011. However, the official recognition of His Majesty the King (Omugabe w’Ankole); Idiriisa Kawesa
Igumira Kitobobo II from the Abahinda Royal Clan remains to be seen in Ankole.

Under the Companies Act No.1 of 2012, amended Memorandum and Articles of Association of Ankore Kaaro-Karungi Cultural Trust Ltd, Ankole Kingdom is pushing for the official recognition by the government of the Republic of Uganda following 1967 abolition by the state.